Although already a few weeks old story, it is well worth mentioning:
The Central Party's newspaper "Kesknädal" compared the prime minister Andrus Ansip with Adolf Hitler.
The story started as a life story of Hitler (dedicated to his 120th birthday) but then came the comparison: the parallels between the Estonian government and the rise and fall of Hitler's administration. The story ends with a sarcastic "Oh, God!"
I am happy to live in a country where freedom of speech really means that people are free to speak their mind. However, comparing the prime minister with Hitler (especially here in Estonia where everybody remembers the history) is slander and just wrong.
Although I have posted here stories about the Central Party having a great sense of humour, this comparison is unethical and disrespectful to the Estonians who have chosen their government.
The article: http://www.kesknadal.ee/g2/uudised?id=12332
The Central Party's newspaper "Kesknädal" compared the prime minister Andrus Ansip with Adolf Hitler.
The story started as a life story of Hitler (dedicated to his 120th birthday) but then came the comparison: the parallels between the Estonian government and the rise and fall of Hitler's administration. The story ends with a sarcastic "Oh, God!"
I am happy to live in a country where freedom of speech really means that people are free to speak their mind. However, comparing the prime minister with Hitler (especially here in Estonia where everybody remembers the history) is slander and just wrong.
Although I have posted here stories about the Central Party having a great sense of humour, this comparison is unethical and disrespectful to the Estonians who have chosen their government.
The article: http://www.kesknadal.ee/g2/uudised?id=12332
the blackmailer - from Keskerakond - Edgar Savisaar - wants to sell Estonia to Russia !
ReplyDeletehe does everything he can - to make people of Estonia to rebel agaisnt the Ruling Goverment.
How lame !