Friday, May 15, 2009
Endless Battle
In my opinion, Central Party has always been the one with darker conscientious, because they have slandered Reform Party more openly or even more proudly. But when I start to think about the whole situation, then the Reform Party isn’t so innocent either. They have just managed to keep their parties name cleaner. But that is also a thing that can be argued about, because it depends from whose side are you on. These parties have different kind of ideologies and it’s every individuals choice to make for whose side to take. The main thing is that politics should be a honest game.
One example of how far the politicians are willing to go with making fun of the counter party:
Politics is not ONLY a dirty game!

It seems that the Central Party likes to play a little more. And with their boldness and sense of humour (although sometimes they joke about things they shouldn’t and at other times try to hide a sharp insult behind a joke) they entertain people and make them want to know more. The games and articles on their web page and in their newspaper talk incredibly often about their least favourite opponent – the Reform Party. However, The Reform Party seems numb and as if they try to be above these silly jokes. The Reform Party’s web page is less amusing and one finds rare articles about the Central Party. But maybe they just aren’t as good at the game? Maybe it’s not that they don’t care but they don’t know how to win the game and don’t dare to try.
Today, when Estonia is trying to come out of the crisis as a winner, it is time to realise that politics isn’t only about power. Once you are active in the government, your main goal must be to lead the country, not spend your time slandering your opponent. As the Estonian President T.H.Ilves said a couple of days ago: „Exactly now is the time when Estonia needs the politicians’ cooperation… I hope that the opposition uses the budget discussion to introduce their standpoints… not to attract the attention away from the most important.“ (Ilves, 2009).
Savisaar (2009) can’t get enough of telling people how impotent Ansip is at his job and as he stated in a recent article on his party's web page, how far the Reform Party is from the level that Europe aqcuires. Ansip’s main problem with his enemy is the misuse of power in Tallinn.
There will always be a fight for power between parties, but constant fighting with each other is not politics, it’s a dirty game. People will get tired of it and nobody will win. „Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing“ (Henry Russell Sanders) is not the case in leading a country to a better future. Once you’re in the government, you will have to do your job as well!
Ilves, T.H. 2009.
Savisaar, E. 2009.'t_everything%3B_it's_the_only_thing.
Opinion Article
Keskerakond against Reformierakond, these two party’s have been rivals since I first heard about politics. In last elections Reformierakond has been won and have been in coalition. It’s no wonder that Keskerakond attacks it’s rival in every possible way. Lately they vote no confidence against Andrus Ansip. Their commercial are goaled against Reformierakond for example: “Reformierakond’s ideas are in recycle bin of history” , “Estonia needs change”. And they talk in their commercials that coalition just take money from people, and don’t do nothing to give new breath to economics, instead accusing them closing schools, but in real life we must close schools because we don’t have so much students than 10 years ago. It makes sense that when time is changing, we must change ourselves and everything around us. It’s not very clever to run school, where you don’t have students.
Keskerakond talks lot’s about lying. Specially how reformierakond lies to people. But instead they put Edgar Savisaar to on top of their list, but he don’t have even on mind to go in to Brussels. As he said “See, these elections are different terms than any so far. If the previous election was a case of voting by individuals, in this case, it is not, unfortunately, the opportunity to vote for someone by Edgar Savisaar, however, this is the opportunity to vote at all pleased by the Center Party” in Eesti Päevaleht - . This is just unethical to lie to people and after that justify himself. After losing the top spot in last two elections, they tried everything to get on the top at upcoming elections. They want to change the voting areas in Tallinn, for their own good. They name it as a reform. Actually they already did it, but Chancellor of Justice said that’s against the law, and later sued it to court. .
I wrote this article on this way, becouse everyone talks, how bad is coalition, that the economic situation is only their fault. But instead Tallinn is in trouble, because also they have problems with their budget. But they haven’t done anything yet and even major of Tallinn admits that they are in trouble by July. . but the point is, nowadays it’s all about talk down others and push yourself up, everyone do this before elections, but I think that it would be better to try to solve problems together than fight this never ending war.
Sören Saarikko
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Ansip = Hitler

The Central Party's newspaper "Kesknädal" compared the prime minister Andrus Ansip with Adolf Hitler.
The story started as a life story of Hitler (dedicated to his 120th birthday) but then came the comparison: the parallels between the Estonian government and the rise and fall of Hitler's administration. The story ends with a sarcastic "Oh, God!"
I am happy to live in a country where freedom of speech really means that people are free to speak their mind. However, comparing the prime minister with Hitler (especially here in Estonia where everybody remembers the history) is slander and just wrong.
Although I have posted here stories about the Central Party having a great sense of humour, this comparison is unethical and disrespectful to the Estonians who have chosen their government.
The article:
Ansip will continue as the Prime Minister

They managed to gather 37 signatures but this was not enough, 53 members wanted Ansip to stay. Therefore, the prime minister Andrus Ansip will continue his work.
When the results came out, members of the parliament applauded.
See more:
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Central Party decided to vote no confidence against Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
Central Party (Keskerakond) decided to vote no confidence against Prime minister Andrus Ansip (Reformierakond). Ain Seppik form Central Party said that there are serious contradiction within the coalition, which is due to decide on the government stalled.
Seppik also says that Ansip is not open to find solutions and don’t want to work with coalition. „Voting against the progressive tax law shows it clearly“ said Seppik.
Seppik also mentioned that Prime Minister Andrus Ansip has lost his reliability. „He spent the entire 2008 talking the story, that if this is the crisis, then in this crisis he want to live, and in December in front of legislative council he said that 2009. Budget is in balance“ said Seppik.
The whole article in Eesti Päevaleht -