As it says in recent article in newspaper Eesti Paevaleht The Department of Consumer Protection has got numerous complaints regarding the incorrect political advertisement of the Keskerakond party. Statewide campaign began in the 12 of January 2009 and now we can see different advertising slogans everywhere around the cities, such as “Nende poliitika on majanduslangus” (“Their politics is economic recession”) etc.
In the advertising campaign called “Eesti vajab vahetust” (“Estonia needs changes”) Priit Toobal (Keskerakond party sekretary) was pointing out next statement “absolute fiasco in economic policy of the opposition parties Reformierakond and IRL (Isamaa ja Respublika Liit) , led to the huge economic recession”, which is actually a direct charge of opposition party and doesn’t comply to the norms of ethics.
Current advertising law is not regulating the political advertising in any way and the Department of Consumer Protection asked the ministry of economics to take a clear-cut decision concerning the topic: “Should the political advertising be under the control of the advertising law?”. Up to now there is no response received.
Keskerakond has also created the website http://www.protest2009.eu/ee/ with the elements of sarcasm. It is possible to join the group of protesters against the coalition of right parties - Reformierakond and IRL on the website. The information about the campaign is shown on the main page. Ibidem visitors can chose one of the presented slogans, which in their opinion better describe actions of ruling parties. Here are some examples of those slogans:
- Retire Ansip!
- We do not deserve such a government!
- Edgar Savisaar – new Prime Minister!, etc.
Visitors may add their comments and also observe the statistics about the number of people who are joining the group and supporting each slogan separately.
Feel free to share your opinion: should the political advertising campaigns be regulated by the law and if yes, to what extent?
By Maria
I think that political advertising should be under the control of law. Current situation with campaigns like that is embarrassing to look at. Advertisers do not control even facts. And how can they blame two parties (irrelevant on a big scale) for being responsible for the economic recession, which subsumes basically every part of the world.
ReplyDeleteSo you think current advertising law does not regulate political advertising well? Which changes would you make?